Agilent Technologies 66332A Power Supply User Manual

Language Dictionary - 4
This query requests the dc source to identify any options that are installed. Options are identified by
number A
indicates no options are installed.
Query Syntax
Returned Parameters
WARNING: Recalling a previously stored state may place hazardous voltages at the dc source output.
This command restores the dc source to a state that was previously stored in memory with the *SAV
command to the specified location. All states are recalled with the following exceptions:
u the trigger system is set to the Idle state by an implied ABORt command (this cancels any
uncompleted trigger actions)
u the calibration function is disabled by setting CAL:STATe to OFF
NOTE: The device state stored in location 0 is automatically recalled at power turn-on when the
OUTPut:PON:STATe is set to RCL0.
Command Syntax
*RCL <NRf>
0 | 1 | 2 | 3
*RCL 3
Related Commands
This command resets the to a factory-defined state as defined in the following table. *RST also forces an
ABORt command.
Command Syntax
Related Commands