Participation/Attendance Points are used to credit students for attending class and for participating in
the voting activities. Participation points are not given for answering the questions correctly; the student
only needs to place a vote for least the minimum number of questions to receive these points. These
points are awarded by session, not by question—the student either answers the minimum number of
questions and receives all participation points, or does not and receives zero participation points.
In the Settings and Preferences area of the i-clicker program (explained below) you can set a
participation requirement by percentage of questions answered. The minimum number of responses will
be automatically calculated for you. From the Set Scores screen shown here, you can modify the
minimum number of questions your students must answer in order to receive participation points. You
also determine the total number of participation points possible for that session. The minimum number of
questions required will be adjusted each time you delete and restore questions from your session.
We strongly encourage you to utilize the participation/attendance feature. This objective of i-clicker
is to promote student engagement and teacher-student interaction.
Performance Points
are awarded to students by question for specific answers. Many professors use
performance points to reward “correct” answers. Performance points (if any) are assigned to each
question individually. If you have already set a point value for correct answers in i-clicker Settings and
Preferences, you may simply designate the correct answer in the Performance Points area and that
answer choice will automatically be awarded the correct number of points. You may also assign credit or
partial credit for multiple answers by manually adding point values in any of the five boxes above the
answer choices (A, B, C, D, E). A detailed example is shown here.
Note: Since you may not
remember the details of
each question you asked in
lecture, i-clicker takes a
screen capture for you
every time you begin
polling. To bring up the
screen capture in i-grader,
click on View Screenshot.
Click the button again (it
will now say Hide
Screenshot). The screen
shot function allows you to
ask on-the-fly questions
easily by providing you with
an automatic record of your
lecture questions.
In the above example, Total Performance points currently appears as zero, because no correct answers
have been designated yet. The correct answer is D. To give partial credit for another answer, you can
enter 2 points in the box for D and 1 point in the box for answer A. The “Correct Answer” field can also be
used to assign the default number of performance points (as set in the Settings and Preferences menu in
i-clicker) to the selected answer. To scroll through the questions, click on “Previous” or “Next.” Once you
have assigned points values for each question, use the Set and Close button in the bottom right corner.
All points allocations will be saved and you will return to the main i-grader window.
Questions? Contact us at support@iclicker.com or call toll-free at 1-866-209-5698.