5-26 Chapter 5: BIOS setup
5.5.2 Hardware Monitor
CPU Temperature [xxxºC/xxxºF]
MB Temperature [xxxºC/xxxºF]
The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects and displays the motherboard
and CPU temperatures. Select [Ignored] if you do not wish to display the detected
CPU_Fan1 Speed [xxxxRPM] or [N/A]
FRNT_Fan1 Speed [xxxxRPM] or [N/A]
REAR_Fan1 Speed [xxxxRPM] or [N/A]
The onboard hardware monitor automatically detects and displays the CPU, front,
and rear fan speed in rotations per minute (RPM). If the fan is not connected to the
motherboard, the eld shows N/A.
CPU Smart Fan Control [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the ASUS Smart Fan feature that smartly adjusts
the fan speeds for more efcient system operation.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
The CPU Fan Ratio and CPU Target Temperature items appear only when
you set the CPU Smart Fan Control item to [Enabled].
CPU Fan Ratio [Auto]
Allows you to select the fan speed ratio so that the fans operate at a low CPU
temperature. Setting a very low ratio may cause a dramatical fan speed drop and
trigger a hardware monitor warning message.
Conguration options: [Auto] [90%] [80%] [70%] [60%] [50%] [40%] [30%] [20%]
Hardware Monitor
CPUTemperature [43ºC/109ºF]
MBTemperature [35ºC/95ºF]
CPU_Fan1Speed [8544RPM]
CPUSmartFanControl [Enabled]
CPUFanRatio [Auto]
CPUTargetTemperature [50ºC]
FRNT_Fan1Speed [8544RPM]
REAR_Fan1Speed [N/A]
VCOREVoltage [1.288V]
3.3VVoltage [3.248V]
5VVoltage [4.608V]
12VVoltage [11.352V]
VBATVoltage [3.152V]
CPU Temperature