Chapter 3 Avaya P460 Supervisor Module Features
Table 3.1 ACT and OPR LED Summary
ACT LED is... OPR LED is... M460ML-SPV Module mode
ON Blinking Active
No fan module present
OFF ON Standby
OFF Blinking Halted or booting
Supervisor Synchronization
Configuring the Supervisor Modules for Active/Standby Operation
In order to operate in an Active-Standby configuration, the two SPVs must be
• If the SPVs are not synchronized, one is Active and the other Halted.
In this case you will need to synchronize them manually. See “Synchronizing
the Supervisor Modules Manually“ on page 12.
• Only in Active-Standby configuration do both SPV fabrics participate in
• An SPV which was Active stays Active after a chassis reset
One of the SPVs can operate as Standby automatically only if both of the following
conditions are fulfilled:
• The current chassis is the last one in which you inserted this SPV
• The current running SW images are the same version
Synchronizing the Supervisor Modules Manually
If the SPVs are not synchronized, you need to synchronize them manually using the
Avaya P460 CLI.
Note: Synchronization can be required for a complete synchronization also if the
SPVs are in an Active-Standby configuration. For example, when the SPVs boot
with the same SW but from different banks
1 Access the CLI. See Chapter 2, “Establishing Switch Access“
2 Enter the sync spv command from the Active Supervisor Module.
L This command transfers the following information from the Active Supervisor
module to the other Supervisor module.
— Firmware images
12 Avaya P460 Configuration Guide