Chapter 3
Cajun P550/P880 ATM Uplink User Guide, Version 1.1
Creating Virtual Ports
To create virtual ports:
1. Select Modules & Ports > Configuration from the Web
Agent. The Module Information dialog box opens
(Figure 3-1).
2. Click ATM in the Type column of the ATM Uplink module
you want to create a virtual port for. The ATM Module
Information dialog box opens (Figu re3-2).
3. Click Additional Configuration. The ATM Configuration
dialog box opens (Figur e3-3).
4. Click Signaling Settings. The ATM Network (Signalling
Settings) dialog box opens (Fig ure3-4).
5. Click CREATE. The Create Virtual Port dialog box opens
(Figure 3-5).
* Note: You may have to scroll to see the CREATE
Figure 3-5. Create Virtual Port Dialog Box
6. Use the parameters described in Tabl e3-2 to create a virtual