78 CPS Installer/User Guide
SPC Command Parameters
Parameter Description
<port>|ALL Either a port number in range 1-8 for a CPS810 or 1-16 for a
CPS1610, or All, which indicates that the settings that follow should
be applied to all CPS ports confi gured as SPC.
MINLOAD=<amps> Minimum load in amperes in the range Ø-30. A Ø value indicates no
minimum load.
Default = Ø
MAXLOAD=<amps> Maximum load in amperes in the range Ø-30. A Ø value indicates no
maximum load.
Default = Ø
<socket>|ALL Either a socket number on the SPC, in the range 1-8 for an SPC800
or 1-16 for an SPC1600, or All, which indicates that the settings that
follow should be applied to all sockets on the SPC.
WAKE=ON|OFF State that the socket will enter when the SPC is powered up.
Default = ON
ONMIN=<time> Minimum amount of time that a socket will stay on before it can be
turned off. The value can be specifi ed with S for seconds, M for
minutes or H for hour. Valid values are:
ØS, 15S, 30S, 45S, 60S, 75S, 90S, 105S.
1M, 2M, 3M, 4M, 5M, 10M, 15M, 30M, 60M.
Default = ØS
OFFMIN=<time> Minimum amount of time that a socket will stay off before it can be
turned on. The value can be specifi ed with S for seconds, M for
minutes or H for hour. Valid values are:
ØS, 15S, 30S, 45S, 60S, 75S, 90S, 105S.
1M, 2M, 3M, 4M, 5M, 10M, 15M, 30M, 60M.
Default = ØS
User Commands
The User command has several forms, as listed in the following table.
User Command Summary
Command Description
User Add Adds a new user to the CPS user database.
User Delete Deletes a user from the CPS user database.
User Logout Terminates a user’s active CPS session.
User Set Changes a user’s confi guration information.
User Unlock Unlocks a locked-out user.