Avocent CPS1610 CPS Switch User Manual

Chapter 5: CPS Commands 79
User Add command
The User Add command adds a new user to the CPS user database. The CPS
user database holds a maximum of 64 user definitions. For more information,
see Managing Users, Connecting to devices using SSH and Access rights and
levels in Chapter 3.
Access right: USER; Access level: A and AA
USER ADD <username>
[PASSWORD=<pwd>] [SSHKEY=<keyfile>] [FTPIP=<ftpadd>]
[KEY=<sshkey>] [ACCESS=<access>]
User Add Command Parameters
Parameter Description
<username> 3-16 alphanumeric character username. Usernames are case sensitive.
PASSWORD=<pwd> 3-16 alphanumeric character password. Passwords are case sensitive.
SSHKEY=<keyfi le> Name of uuencoded public key fi le on an FTP server. The maximum
le size that can be received is 4K bytes. If this parameter is
specifi ed, you must also specify the FTPIP parameter.
FTPIP=<ftpadd> FTP server’s IP address. If this parameter is specifi ed, you must also
specify the SSHKEY parameter.
KEY=<sshkey> Uuencoded SSH key.
ACCESS=<access> Command and port access rights or level. You may specify multiple
access rights, separated by commas, or a level.
Valid values for access rights are:
P<n> Access to the specifi ed port number.
P<x-y> Access to the specifi ed range of ports.
PALL Access to all ports.
USER User confi guration access rights.
PCON Port confi guration access rights.
SCON Confi guration access rights.
SMON Monitor access rights.
BREAK Can issue Port Break command.
Valid values for access levels are:
BREAK access rights
PCON and BREAK access rights
Default = PALL,SMON
The following command adds the username JohnDoe, with the password
secretname, access to ports 2, 5, 6 and 7 and user and monitor access rights.
> user add JohnDoe password=secretname access=P2,5-7,user,smon