Axis Communications 700 Server User Manual

Appendix C: The Parameter List AXIS 700 User’s Manual
Retrieve Method = None
Specifies from where the address book will be retrieved.
None, FTP or LDAP.
FTP Server =
Specifies the name or IP address of the FTP server.
FTP User =
Specifies the user name for logging on to the FTP server.
If left blank, the FTPDefaultUser will be used.
FTP Password =
Specifies the password for logging on to the FTP server.
If left blank, the FTPDefaultPassword will be used.
FTP Directory =
Specifies the directory on the FTP server where the file
is stored.
FTP File Name =
Specifies the name of the file on the FTP server.
LDAP Server =
Specifies the name or IP address of the LDAP server.
LDAP Port =
Specifies the number of the TCP/IP port.
LDAP User =
LDAP Password =
LDAP Search Base =
Specifies where to begin the search, e.g.
o=companyname, c=countrycode
LDAP Name Field = cn
Specifies the name of the field that contains the
destination name.
LDAP Mail Field = mail
Specifies the name of the field that contains the e-mail
LDAP Filter =
Specifies an LDAP filter to reduce the length of the
destination list, e.g. (givenName=*)
Language =U.S. English
Specifies the language used on the AXIS 700 message
display. Valid values are U.S. English, German, French and
Unit = Inches
Specifies the metric system used, e.g. for paper sizes.
Valid values are Inches or Centimeters.
Primary Mail Server =
Specifies the name or IP address of the SMTP mail
server that provides the e-mail facilities for the AXIS
700. If you are using DNS, specify the name. Otherwise,
specify the IP address. E.g. mail or or
Secondary Mail Server =
Specifies the name or IP address of the secondary mail
server, should the primary be unavailable or
Connection Timeout = 10
Connection timeout.
Profiles = 8
Profiles0 = Profile-Text
Note that the parameters in this list applies to all
profiles parameters.
Parameter name Value Description