Chapter 10
Changing your Fax
Forwarding number 10
You can change the default setting of your fax
forwarding number from another telephone or
fax machine using touch tone.
a Dial your fax number.
b When your machine answers, enter
your remote access code (3 digits
followed by l) at once. If you hear one
long beep, you have messages.
c When you hear two short beeps,
press 954.
d Wait for the long beep, and then use the
dial pad to enter the new number
(up to 20 digits) of the remote fax
machine where you want your fax
messages forwarded followed by # #.
You cannot use l and # as dial numbers.
However, press # if you want to create a
e Press 9 0 when you have finished.
f Hang up after you hear your machine