Canon 2900I Printer User Manual

Using the Printing Functions
Printing a Document
[Printer Properties] Dialog Box
- [General] Sheet
- [Sharing] Sheet
-[Ports] Sheet
- [Advanced] Sheet
- [Color Management] Sheet
- [Security] Sheet
- [Device Settings] Sheet
- [Profile] Sheet
For more details on using these sheets, refer to the online help.
You can access the online help using the following procedure. To close any online help
that is currently displayed, click somewhere inside the online help window.
- Press the [Tab] key on your keyboard to select the item that you want help with, then
press the [F1] key.
- Right-click the item that you want help with, then click [What's This?] from the pop-up
- Click [ ] (Help) on the title bar, then move the mouse pointer with attached [?] over
the item you want help with and click on it.
[Page Setup] Sheet
The [Page Setup] sheet allows you to specify the following printing preferences: