Citizen Systems CT-S2000 Printer User Manual

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CT-S280 CT-S300 CT-S2000 CT-S4000 BD2-2220 CT-S310
support model
[Function] Transmission of printer status
[Code] <1D>H<76>H
[Outline] [The specification which is common to the model]
Transmits current printer status.
[Caution] • Status is transmitted in 1byte with the content shown in the following table.
• In case of DTR/DSR control, only 1byte is transmitted after making sure the host is ready for
reception (DSR signal is in the Space state). In case of XON/XOFF control, only 1byte is
transmitted without checking the status of DSR signal.
• In case of DTR/DSR, if the host is not ready for reception (DSR signal in Mark state, wait till
reception is available.
• Paper-end status causes BUSY status, thus this command may be in the receive-not-ready status.
• This command is valid only when MSW3-7 is set to ON.
Bit Position
0 1
0 Paper Near-end With paper No paper
1 Undefined ―― ――
2 Paper-end With paper No paper
3 Undefined ――
4 Unused Fixed ――
5 Undefined ―― ――
6 Undefined ―― ――
7 Undefined ―― ――
Bit 2: In case of Paper End, as this printer goes offline, this command is not
executed. Therefore, status "No Paper (04H)" is never transmitted.
[Sample Program]
OPEN "COM1:N81NN" AS #1 OPEN statement varies with the type of BASIC.
PRINT #1, CHR$(&H1B);"v";
A$ = INPUT$(1, #1)