48 Client for Macintosh Administrator’s Guide
• Option-Tab (to cycle through open applications—equivalent to ALT+TAB
on PC)
• Option-Shift-Tab (to cycle through open applications in reverse order—
equivalent to ALT+SHIFT+TAB on PC)
• Latency reduction hotkey (to override the selected SpeedScreen mode—see
“Reducing Display Latency” on page 53 for more information)
To change the default hotkeys
1. Do one of the following:
• From the ICA Client Editor Options menu, choose Default Settings.
•Click Default Settings in the ICA Client Editor.
2. Choose Connection Properties > Keyboard to see the current settings for
the hotkeys.
3. Choose the main key for the function, then use the check boxes to choose
the additional keystrokes.
4. Click Save.
Using Japanese Hotkeys
Choose your input locale in the Input Menu from the Macintosh system
preferences. Depending on how your hotkeys have been set up, you may be able
to use Command-Space Bar to change the input locale; this can be changed using
the International options in the Mac OS X System Preferences.
The following Kotoeri hotkeys are supported:
This key combination Has this effect
Control-Shift-H Show help
Control-Shift-N Add word to dictionary
Control-Shift-R Reconvert
Control-J Convert to Hiragana
Control-V Convert to Katakana
Control-L Convert to full-width alphanumeric
Control–Semi-colon key Convert to half-width alphanumeric
Control-Shift-J Hiragana input mode
Control-Shift-K Katakana input mode