Error Code Message Information
Message Removable Flash Media is offline.
Details At boot, the Card Identification (CID) signature of the card is different
from the Non-volatile (NV) storage value or the card is the destination
of a copy operation that is in-progress.
Action If unintended, reinstall the flash media.
Message Failure detected on Removable Flash Media.
Details An error is reported during a SD card read or write.
Action Reinstall the flash media, if the issue persists replace the media.
Message Removable Flash Media is write protected.
Details The card is write-protected by the physical latch on the SD card.
IDSDM cannot use a write-protected card.
Action If unintended, remove the media and disable write protection.
Message Media not present for Removable Flash Media.
Details The SD card is not detected or not installed.
Action If unintended, reinstall the flash media.
Message Internal Dual SD Module redundancy is lost.
LCD Message Internal Dual SD Module redundancy is lost. Check SD Card.
Details Either one of the SD card or both the SD cards are not functioning
Action Replace the failed SD card.
Message Internal Dual SD Module redundancy is degraded.
Details Either one of the SD card or both the SD cards are not functioning
Action Replace the failed SD card.
Message Internal Dual SD Module is not redundant.
Details Internal Dual SD Module is not redundant.
Action Install additional SD card and configure for redundancy if redundancy
is desired.