558 Configuring Routing
to display the
Add Helper IP Address page
Figure 9-24. Add Helper IP Address
Select a UDP Destination port name from the menu or enter the UDP Destination Port ID. Select the
Default Set to configure for the relay entry for the default set of protocols.
NOTE: If the DefaultSet option is specified, the device by default forwards UDP Broadcast packets for the
following services: IEN-116 Name Service (port 42), DNS (port 53), NetBIOS Name Server (port 137), NetBIOS
Datagram Server (port 138), TACACS Server (Port 49), and Time Service (port 37).
Enter the IP address of the server to which the packets with the given UDP Destination Port will be
Apply Changes
The UDP/Helper Relay is added and the device is updated.
Configuring IP Helper Global Settings Using CLI Commands
For information about the CLI commands that perform this function, see the following chapter in the
CLI Reference Guide:
• IP Helper Commands
The following table summarizes the equivalent CLI commands for this feature.
IP Helper Interface Configuration
Use the IP Helper Interface Configuration page to add, show, or delete UDP Relay and Helper IP
configuration for a specific interface.
To display the page, click Routing
IP Helper
Interface Configuration in the tree view.
Table 9-22. IP Helper Global Commands
CLI Command Description
ip helper-address (global configuration) Configures the relay of certain UDP broadcast packets received on any
ip helper enable Enables relay of UDP packets.
show ip helper-address Displays the IP helper address configuration.