Configuring IPv6 643
OSPFv3 Area Configuration
Use the OSPFv3 Area Configuration
page to create and configure an OSPFv3 area.
To display the page, click IPv6
Area Configuration in the tree view.
Table 10-13. OSPFv3 Global Configuration Commands
CLI Command Description
default-information originate Controls the advertisement of default routes.
default-metric Sets a default for the metric of distributed routes.
distance ospf Sets the route preference value of OSPF in the router.
enable Resets the default administrative mode of OSPF in the router (active).
exit-overflow-interval Configures the exit overflow interval for OSPF.
external-lsdb-limit Configures the external LSDB limit for OSPF.
ipv6 router ospf Enters Router OSPFv3 Configuration mode.
maximum-paths Sets the number of paths that OSPF can report for a given destination.
passive-interface default Enables the global passive mode by default for all interfaces.
router-id Sets a 4-digit dotted-decimal number uniquely identifying the Router
show ipv6 ospf Displays information relevant to the OSPF router.
show ipv6 ospf abr Displays the internal OSPFv3 routes to reach Area Border Routers
show ipv6 ospf asbr Displays the internal OSPFv3 routes to reach Autonomous System
Boundary Routes (ASBR).
trapflags Enables OSPF traps