54 SM-EtherCAT User Guide
www.controltechniques.com Issue Number: 2
0x6098 Homing method
This object indicates the configured homing method that shall be used. Tab le
7.57 Homing method on page 54 specifies the object description, and Table
7.58 Homing method values on page 54 specifies the value ranges for this object.
Table 7.57 Homing method
Table 7.58 Homing method values
0x6099 Homing speeds
This object indicates the configured speeds used during the homing procedure. The
values shall be given in user-defined velocity units.
Table 7.59 Homing speeds on page
54 specifies the object description.
Table 7.59 Homing speeds
0x609A Homing acceleration
This object indicates the configured acceleration and deceleration to be used during the
homing operation. The value shall be given in user-defined acceleration units.
7.60 Homing acceleration on page 54 specifies the object description.
Table 7.60 Homing acceleration
0x6098 Homing Method
Access: RW Range: 0 - 35 Size: Unsigned 8 Unit: N/A
Default: 0
Description: The homing method that shall be used.
Value Definition
0 No homing method assigned
1 Method 1 shall be used
34 Method 34 shall be used
35 Method 35 shall be used
0x6099 Homing speeds
Sub-index 0
Access: C Range: 2 Size: Signed 8 Unit: N/A
Default: 2
Description: The number of supported sub-indices.
Sub-index 1
Access: RW Range: Unsigned 32
Size: Unsigned 32 Unit: N/A
Default: 0
Description: Speed during search for a switch.
Sub-index 2
Access: RW
Range: Unsigned 32 Size: Unsigned 32 Unit: N/A
Default: 0
Description: Speed during search for a zero.
0x609A Homing acceleration
Access: RW Range: Unsigned 32 Size: Unsigned 32
Unit: User-defined
acceleration units
Default: 0
Indicates the configured acceleration and deceleration to be used during homing