Monitor: NVRAM Commands
PmT1 and PmE1 User’s Manual 10002367-02
Group ‘Console’
PortA(A, B)
ParityNone(Even, Odd, None, Force)
Data8-bits(5-Bits, 6-Bits, 7-Bits, 8-Bits)
StopBits2-bits(1-Bit, 2-Bits)
ChBaudOnBreakFalse(False, True)
RstOnBreakFalse(False, True)
[SP, CR to continue] or [E, e to Edit]
3 Press E to edit the group.
4 Press <cr> until the field you want to change is displayed.
5 Type a new value. For most fields, legal options are displayed in parentheses.
6 Press <ESC> or Q to quit the display.
7 Ty pe nvupdate to save the new value or nvopen to cancel the change by reading the old
is used to initialize the nonvolatile memory to the default state defined by the monitor.
First nvinit clears the memory and then writes the Emerson and monitor data back to the
nvinit sernum “revlev” ecolev writes
Caution: nvinit clears any values you have changed from the default. Use nvinit only if the
nonvolatile configuration data structures might be in an unknown state and you must
return them to a known state.
reads and checks the monitor and Emerson-defined sections. If the nonvolatile sections are
not valid, an error message is displayed.
is used to modify the Emerson-defined and monitor-defined nonvolatile sections.
sernum serial number
revlev revision level
ecolev standard ECO level
writes the number of writes to nonvolatile memory