Enterasys Networks VHSIM2-A6DP Network Card User Manual

ATM Connection Setup Screen
Local Management 3-13
LLC Encapsulated - Logical Link Control for Bridged Protocols as defined by the IETF
RFC 1483. This encapsulation type is for PVCs only.
ATM Address (ESI) (Read-Only)
Displays the MAC Address of the device to which the SVC or PVC is currently connected (End
System Indentifier). This identifies the devices with which the VHSIM2-A6DP is currently
communicating. The UNI and ILMI connections will not display any value in this field.
Traffic Category (Read-Only)
Displays the traffic category of the assigned index.
Rate (Read-Only)
Displays the traffic rate of of the assigned index, rounded to Mbps.
Index (Read-Only)
Displays the traffic index assigned to each specific PVC.
ADD/DELETE (Command)
Used to provide access to the Traffic Management PVC Priority Assignments or the Add/Delete
Entry screens, which are used to add, modify, or delete PVCs. If the device is in 802.1Q
operational mode, the Traffic Management PVC Priority Assignments screen will display when
the ADD/DELETE key is pressed. To access this screen, refer to Section 3.6. If the device is in
SecureFast mode, the Add/Delete Entry screen will display when the ADD/DELETE key is
pressed. To access this screen, refer to Section 3.6.
PREVIOUS (Command)
Used to scroll to the previous screen. To go to the previous screen use the arrow keys to highlight
the PREVIOUS command and press ENTER. The previous screen of current connections
NEXT (Command)
Used to scroll to the next screen if the VHSIM2-A6DP has more connections than can fit on the
first screen. To go to the next screen use the arrow keys to highlight the NEXT command and press
ENTER. The next screen of current connections displays.
NOTE: UNI, ILMI and SecureFast connections display the following values in the
Encapsulation Type field:
UNI (User to Network Interface)
ILMI (Integrated Local Management Interface)
ATM VC SVC APP (SecureFast network connections)