Enter up to 11 characters for the volume label to be stored
on the diskette and press Enter. FORMAT displays these
730112 bytes total disk space
730112 bytes available on disk
1024 bytes in each allocation unit
713 allocation units available on disk
Volume Serial Number is 1C55-14C6
Format another (Y/N)?
At this point, you can format another diskette by pressing Y
and Enter, or return to the MS-DOS command prompt by
pressing N and Enter.
The MENU utility provides an easy way to perform these
functions, See the section on MENU later in this chapter,
Copying Data
It is very important to keep backup diskettes containing copies
of the files you create. There are several ways to copy data and
program files:
Use the DISKCOPY command to make an exact duplicate
of a diskette
Use the COPY command to copy individual files
Use the BACKUP command to back up the files on a hard
disk or diskette in a special format.
The COPY command is easier to use when you have only a few
files to back up. The BACKUP command has some advantages
when you want to back up many files at once.
Using MS-DOS With Your Computer