Epson Y16499100301 Laptop User Manual

When the diskette is completely formatted, you see
messages such as these (for a 720KB diskette):
Format complete
730112 bytes total disk space
730112 bytes available on disk
Format another (Y/N)?
At this point, you can either press Y and Enter to format
another diskette, or press N and Enter to return to the
MS-DOS system prompt.
Formatting with one diskette drive
Insert your working copy of the MS-DOS system diskette
in drive A (and press any key if necessary) or log on to
drive C (the hard disk) by typing C:.
2. When you see the A> or C> prompt, type:
and press Enter. You see this prompt:
Insert new diskette for drive A:
and strike ENTER when ready
3. If the MS-DOS diskette is in drive A, remove it. Then
insert the diskette you want to format in drive A, and
press Enter to start formatting. MS-DOS displays the head
and cylinder numbers as it formats each cylinder of the
4. When the diskette is completely formatted, you see these
Format complete
730112 bytes total disk space
730112 bytes available on disk
Format another (Y/N)?
At this point, you can either format another diskette by
pressing Y and Enter, or return to the MS-DOS system
prompt by pressing N and Enter.
Using MS-DOS With the Equity LT