Fujitsu fi-6230 Scanner User Manual

fi-6130 / fi-6230 Image Scanner Operator's Guide
8.5 Page Edge Filler
Depending on the state of the documents, the shadow of the scanned document appears in the end portion of the output image
and black thin lines may be generated.
If this is the case, you can improve the output image by using the “Page Edge Filler” function. This function fills the end portion
of the image so that it looks clean.
Configure the settings for the Page Edge Filler as follows:
1. Start up the Software Operation Panel.
See Section "8.1 Scanner Settings."
2. Select [Device Setting 2] from left side list in the window, and select [Paper Edge Filter (ADF)]
from its lower level.
3. Specify the length for each end section; top, bottom, right, and left, to fill the end sections.