- Server List
By clicking the button ( ) located on the top right hand side of the page, a list of all virtual servers included in the L-
Platform is displayed. The server List also displays the extended disks included in the virtual servers.
The following buttons can be used on the L-Platform Details page:
- start all button: Turns the power on for all servers in the L-Platform as a group.
- stop all button: Turns the power off for all servers in the L-Platform as a group.
- Reconfigure button: Changes the L-Platform Template
Refer to "4.3.9 L-Platform Reconfiguration" for information on changing L-Platform Templates.
- Unsubscribe button: Cancels the L-Platform
Refer to "4.3.10 Cancel an L-Platform" for information on cancelling L-Platforms.
- ON button: Start the server
Refer to "4.3.4 Start and Stop the Server" for information on starting the server.
- OFF button: Stop the server
Refer to "4.3.4 Start and Stop the Server" for information on stopping the virtual server.
- Snapshot button: Take and restore snapshots
This button is displayed for virtual servers.
Refer to "4.3.6 Take and Restore Snapshot " for information on taking and restoring snapshots.
- Backup button: Backup and restore
This button is displayed for physical servers.
Refer to "4.3.7 Physical Server Backup and Restore" for information on backup and restore.
- Setting button:Setup firewall
This button is displayed for firewall.
Refer to "4.3.8 Setup Firewall" for information on setup firewall.
- Software Details button: Display software information
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