Chapter 1 Overview
This chapter explains the ROR Console.
1.1 Users
The ROR Console has the following users:
- Infrastructure Administrator
- Tenant Administrator
- Tenant user
Refer to "Glossary" for details on these roles.
1.2 Function List
This section explains the functions provided by ROR Console.
ROR Console has two parts: "operation windows for tenant administrators and tenant users" and "operation windows for infrastructure
Windows intended for Tenant Administrators and tenant users are provided for L-Platform and user information operations. These windows
are configured by Tenant Administrators themselves, and have been provided to reduce the Infrastructure Administrator workload.
Operation windows and dashboard windows intended for Infrastructure Administrators are also provided for L-Platform and user
information operations. These windows are provided to enable Infrastructure Administrators to display and operate all L-Platform and
tenant information and to access important information quickly.
The ROR Console displays are customized for the user's role, to provide appropriate functions to each user. For example, tabs that the
current user cannot operate are not displayed.
Figure 1.1 ROR Console
The table below shows the functions provided by the ROR Console.
These functions correspond to the tabs displayed at the top of the ROR Console.
Function Overview Infrastructure
Tenant user
Home The window displayed immediately
after login to the ROR Console. A
function list and notifications are
Yes Yes Yes
Dashboard Displays the resource pool usage status Yes Yes No
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