GE ge multilin Electronic Accessory User Manual

17. After completing the selected PMCS installation, the installation program
checks the host PC for an older version of the POWER LEADER Modbus
Monitor Proxy software. If the installer locates the Proxy software, it
prompts you to update the Proxy to the PCMS 6.xx-compatible version
before finishing the PMCS installation routine. (If your system does not use
POWER LEADER Modbus Monitor devices or does not have the Monitor
Proxy software installed, the PMCS installer will skip this step.)
18. At this point, the installation program copies the appropriate files to your
hard drive.
19. After the Setup program finishes installing the PMCS components you have
selected, you will be prompted to install the Adobe Acrobat Reader
software. If you do not have Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later installed on your
PC, you may wish to install Acrobat Reader at this time. The PMCS CD-
ROM includes a full complement of technical documentation in Acrobat
PDF format which may be viewed with the Acrobat Reader program. The
documentation is located in the TechDocs directory of the CD-ROM.
20. When all the installations are complete, the Setup Complete dialog box,
shown below, prompts you to restart your computer.
42 Installing the Software CIMPLICITY PMCS Read-This-Book-First