Port Trunking
Port Status and Configuration
“Up” Links
Standby Link
Figure 12-9. Example of a Dynamic LACP Trunk with One Standby Link
Using the CLI To Configure a Static or Dynamic Trunk Group
Important Configure port trunking before you connect the trunked links between
switches. Otherwise, a broadcast storm could occur. (If you need to connect
the ports before configuring them for trunking, you can temporarily disable
the ports until the trunk is configured. See
“Using the CLI To Configure Ports”
on page 10-10.)
On the 2600, 2600-PWR, 4100gl and 6108 switches covered by this guide you
can configure up to six port trunk groups having up to four links each (with
additional standby links if you’re using dynamic LACP). On the 2800 switches
covered by this guide you can configure up to 24 port trunk groups having up
to 8 links each (with additional standby links if you’re using dynamic LACP).
You can configure trunk group types as follows:
Trunk Type Trunk Group Membership
TrkX (Static) DynX (Dynamic)
LACP Yes Yes
Trunk Yes No
FEC Yes No
The following examples show how to create different types of trunk groups.