• Latin America Headquarters: (305) 267-4220
Fax: (305) 267-4247
5200 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 950
Miami, FL 33126
• Mexico: (52 5) 258-4600
Fax: (54 1) 258-4362
Hewlett-Packard de México, S.A. de C.V
Prolongación Reforma #470
Colonia Lomas de Santa Fe, C.P. 01210 México,
• Netherlands: 0 33 450 1808
Fax: 0 33 456 0891
Hewlett-Packard Nederland B. V.
Parts Direct Service
Basicweg 10
• Norway: 22735926
Fax: 22735611
Hewlett-Packard Norge A/S, Express Support
Drammensveien 169-171
0212 Oslo
• Spain: 1 6 31 14 81
Fax: 1 6 31 12 74
Hewlett-Packard Espanola S.A.
Departamento de Venta de Piezas
Ctra N-VI, Km. 16,500
28230 LAS ROZAS, Madrid
• Sweden: 8-4442239
Fax: 8-4442116
Hewlett-Packard Sverige AB
Skalholtsgatan 9, Box 19
164 93 KISTA
• Switzerland: 056/279 286
Fax: 056/279 280
Elbatex Datentechnik AG
Schwimmbadstrasse 45, 5430 WETTINGEN
• United Kingdom:
+44 1765 690061
Fax: +44 1765 690731
Express Terminals, 47 Allhallowgate
Ripon, North Yorkshire
• +44 181 568 7100
Fax: +44 181 568 7044
Parts First, Riverside Works
Isleworth, Middlesex, TW7 7BY
• +44 1734 521587
Fax: +44 1734 521712
Westcoast, 28-30 Richfield Avenue
Reading, Berkshire, RG1 8BJ
• United States: (800) 227-8164
• Venezuela: (58 2) 239-4244/4133
Fax: (58 2) 207-8014
Hewlett-Packard de Venezuela C.A.
Tercera Transversal de Los Ruices Norte
Edificio Segre, Caracas 1071, Venezuela
Apartado Postal 50933, Caracas 1050
Elsewhere in the world
• Hewlett-Packard Company
Intercontinental Headquarters,
3495 Deer Creek Road,
Palo Alto, CA 94304, U.S.A.
Language Codes
for DOS
The language codes for locating the
dosread.txt file on the printer software
CD are listed below. This text file is in the
\<language code>\djcp\ directory on
the printer software CD.
Language Code
Chinese, Simplified chs
Chinese, Traditional cht
Czech csy
Danish dan
German deu
English enu
Spanish esm
Finnish fin
French fra
Hungarian hun
Italian ita
Korean kor
Dutch nld
Norwegian non
Polish plk
Portuguese ptb
Russian rus
Swedish svc
Thai tha