RS-422 Polarity
To establish the behavior of the positive and negative signals when using RS-422 serial
Serial Buffer
To configure the size of the serial input buffer.
Note: Changing the Serial Buffer menu item automatically resets the printer.
See also:
Resource Save
Normal* Uses default definition of one and zero.
Reverse Reverses the definition of one and zero, thereby allowing a positive connection to a
host’s negative terminal without changing the physical cable.
Disabled Disables job buffering. Any jobs already buffered on the disk are printed before
normal processing of incoming jobs resumes.
Auto* Printer automatically calculates the Serial Buffer size (recommended setting).
3K to maximum
size allowed
User specifies the Serial Buffer size. The maximum size depends on the
amount of memory in your printer, the size of the other link buffers, and
whether Resource Save is set to On or Off. To maximize the range for the
Serial Buffer size, disable or reduce the size of the parallel, infrared, LocalTalk,
and USB buffers.