Paper Weight
To identify the relative weight of the paper loaded in a specific source and ensure that the toner
adheres properly to the printed page.
First select a paper type:
Then select a value:
Note: If a user-defined name is available, it is displayed instead of Custom <x> Weight.
The name is truncated to 14 characters.
Substitute Size
To have the printer substitute the specified paper size if the requested size is not loaded.
Plain Weight Preprint Weight Bond Weight Labels Weight
CardStock Weight Colored Weight Envelope Weight Ltrhead Weight
Trnsprncy Weight Custom <x> Weight Glossy Weight
Off Printer prompts the user to load the requested paper size.
Statement/A5 Prints A5 size jobs on statement size paper if only statement size paper is loaded,
and prints statement size jobs on A5 paper if only A5 paper is loaded.
Letter/A4 Prints A4 size jobs on letter size paper if only letter size paper is loaded, and prints
letter size jobs on A4 size paper if only A4 size paper is loaded.
All Listed* Substitutes Letter/A4.