Programming Error P<x>
What this message means:
An error occurred while the printer was programming code into memory.
What you can do:
Correct the problem specified on the second line of the display:
Queuing and
Deleting Jobs
What this message means:
The printer is deleting one or more held jobs and sending one or more jobs to print.
What you can do:
Wait for the message to clear.
See also:
Printing and deleting held jobs
Queuing Jobs
What this message means:
The printer is sending one or more held jobs to print.
What you can do:
Wait for the message to clear.
See also:
Holding a job in the printer
P105 A network file was used to program a non-network printer, or a non-network file
was used to program a network printer.
P109 An update file was used to program the printer, but the information did not fit
within the space allocated in the Master Boot Record.
P112 An upddle.fls file was used to update the DLE code on a printer with a firmware
card installed, but the DLE was not found on the firmware card.
P200 No firmware card is installed.