SECTION 3 Software
6642 Pen Computer User’s Guide
Keypad Assign
The keypad assignments can be changed by doing the followĆ
ing. For example, if an application requires function" keys,
the 1" key could be changed to F1, the 2" key could be
changed to F2", and so on.
1. Tap the Key Assign tab.
2. Tap the button for the key that you want changed.
3. Confirm which pen computer key is to be changed.
4. Tap the type: function key, alphanumeric key, or other.
5. Tap the key to be assigned.
6. After confirming the key to be changed, the type, and
the assigned key, tap OK."
To redo any of the selections, tap [Cancel].
NOTE: The key changes are valid until you change them again.