Adhesive strip with peel-off cover
We appreciate your business. We have designed the Operator Guide to instruct you on how to perform all
the different modes of operation contained in your unit. You are encouraged to look through this Operator
Guide and familiarize yourself with its layout and to try using some of the features.
Once you have had a chance to use the Operator Guide in some real-life situations, fill in the card below.
Tear it out at the perforation, remove the adhesive cover strip and fold in half for mailing. This information
helps us serve your needs better in the future. If you have more comments than space available, address
your letters to the same address given on the back of the card. Thank you for your input.
Check the box that best fits your opinion.
1. Has learning to use your new unit been easy or difficult?
2. How well did the Operator Guide answer your questions?
3. How well did the Help Messages answer your questions?
4. Generally speaking, do you:
Please fold on this line when complete.
5. In your opinion, what is the unit’s most important feature?
6. Suggestions for improving the Operator Guide or Help Messages are:
7. Additional comments regarding Model 5455/5470 Digital Copier Operator Guide:
8. Before mailing, please fill in the return information on the reverse side. Remove the adhe-
sive cover strip, fold to seal, and drop it in the mail. Thanks for participating!
Very Easy Easy Average Difficult Very Difficult
Very Well Answered
Average Not So Well Not At All
Very Well Answered
Average Not So Well Not At All
Read the
Operator Guide
before using the
Scan through the
Operator Guide
for highlights
Consult the
Operator Guide
only when help is
Seldom or never
use the Operator
Guide after the
first week.
Remove card at perforations.