Line Commands
The access mode shown in the following tables is indicated by these abbreviations:
NE (Normal Exec) VC (VLAN Database Configuration)
PE (Privileged Exec) MST (Multiple Spanning Tree)
GC (Global Configuration) ACL (Access Control List Configuration)
LC (Line Configuration) DC (DHCP Server Configuration)
IC (Interface Configuration) RC (Router Configuration)
Line Commands
You can access the onboard configuration program by attaching a VT100
compatible device to the server’s serial port. These commands are used to set
communication parameters for the serial port or Telnet (i.e., a virtual terminal).
Multicast Routing Configures multicast routing protocols DVMRP and PIM-DM 4-291
Router Redundancy Configures router redundancy to create primary and backup routers 4-311
Table 4-5 Line Commands
Command Function Mode Page
line Identifies a specific line for configuration and starts the line
configuration mode
GC 4-12
login Enables password checking at login LC 4-12
password Specifies a password on a line LC 4-13
timeout login
Sets the interval that the system waits for a login attempt LC 4-14
exec-timeout Sets the interval that the command interpreter waits until user
input is detected
LC 4-15
password-thresh Sets the password intrusion threshold, which limits the number of
failed logon attempts
LC 4-15
a These commands only apply to the serial port.
Sets the amount of time the management console is inaccessible
after the number of unsuccessful logon attempts exceeds the
threshold set by the password-thresh command
LC 4-16
Sets the number of data bits per character that are interpreted and
generated by hardware
LC 4-17
Defines the generation of a parity bit LC 4-17
Sets the terminal baud rate LC 4-18
Sets the number of the stop bits transmitted per byte LC 4-18
disconnect Terminates a line connection PE 4-19
show line Displays a terminal line's parameters NE, PE 4-19
Table 4-4 Command Group Index (Continued)
Command Group Description Page