Command Line Interface
Command Mode
Normal Exec, Privileged Exec
To show all lines, enter this command:
General Commands
Console#show line
Console configuration:
Password threshold: 3 times
Interactive timeout: Disabled
Silent time: Disabled
Baudrate: 9600
Databits: 8
Parity: none
Stopbits: 1
Vty configuration:
Password threshold: 3 times
Interactive timeout: 65535
Table 4-6 General Commands
Command Function Mode Page
enable Activates privileged mode NE 4-21
disable Returns to normal mode from privileged mode PE 4-21
configure Activates global configuration mode PE 4-22
show history Shows the command history buffer NE, PE 4-22
reload Restarts the system PE 4-23
end Returns to Privileged Exec mode any
exit Returns to the previous configuration mode, or exits the CLI any 4-24
quit Exits a CLI session NE, PE 4-24
help Shows how to use help any NA
? Shows options for command completion (context sensitive) any NA