"--" will appear in the unit type display location when an address has
been cleared normally.
"88" will appear in the unit type display location when an abnormality
has occurred during clearing.
(2) Address check: Refer to section (1) regarding address entry.
a) In making group settings:
• Turn off the remote controller: Press the remote controller's ON/OFF button to stop operation (the indicator light will go off).
• Locate the indoor unit address display mode: Press the FILTER and k buttons on the remote controller simultaneously
and hold for 2 seconds.
• Display indoor unit address: The entered indoor units address and type will be displayed each time the button is pressed.
✻ When one entry is made, only 1 address will be displayed no matter how many times the w button is pressed.
• Returning to the normal mode after completing check: Simultaneously press the FILTER and k buttons on the remote
controller and hold for 2 seconds to return to the normal mode.
b) In making paired settings:
• Turn off the remote controller: Press the remote controller's ON/OFF button to stop operation (the indicator light will go off).
• Put into indoor unit address display mode: Press the FILTER and k buttons on the remote controller simultaneously and
hold for two seconds.
• Changing to the linked operation unit address display state: Press the a button on the remote control.
• Displaying the address of the indoor unit to be checked: Change the address to that of the indoor unit to be checked by press-
ing the temperature adjustment buttons .
• Displaying the address of the linked Lossnay unit: Press the w button to display the addresses of the linked Lossnay and
indoor unit in alternation.
• Displaying the addresses of other entered units: The addresses of the other entered units will be displayed in alternating
blinking after resting the w button again.
• Returning to the normal mode after completing the check: Simultaneously press the FILTER and k buttons on the remote
controller and hold for 2 seconds to return to the normal mode.
(3) Clearing an address: Refer to section (1) regarding the address entry and section (2) regarding checking addresses.
a) In making group settings:
• Turn off the remote controller: The procedure is same as a) in (2) Address check.
• Put into the indoor unit address display mode: The procedure is same as a) in (2) Address check.
• Displaying the indoor unit address to be cleared: The procedure is same as a) in (2) Address check.
• Clearing indoor unit address : ......Pressing the q button on the remote controller twice will clear the address entry of the
displayed indoor unit, resulting in the display shown in Figure 6.
The display shown in Figure 7 will appear if an abnormality occurs and the entry is not cleared.
Please repeat the clearing procedure.
• Returning to the normal mode after clearing an address: The procedure is same as a) in (2) Address check.
b) In making paired settings:
• Turn off the remote controller: The procedure is same as b) in (2) Address check.
• Put into the indoor unit address display mode: The procedure is same as b) in (2) Address check.
• Put into the linked unit address display mode: The procedure is same as b) in (2) Address check.
• Display the address of the Lossnay unit or the indoor unit to be cleared.
• Deleting the address of a linked indoor unit: Pressing the q button on the remote controller twice will clear the address
entry of the displayed indoor unit, resulting in the display shown in Figure 8.
• Returning to the normal mode after clearing an address: The procedure is same as b) in (2) Address check.
Figure 7 Display when an abnormality
has occurred during clearing
Figure 6 Display after address has been
cleared normally
Figure 8 Display after address has been cleared normally
"88" will appear in the room temperature display location.
"--" will appear in the room temperature
display location.
OC376B--2.qxp 08.1.17 1:15 PM Page 34