Summary of ApplicationBuilder Operation
The following is a summary of the sequence of operations required to make a
functional program in the ApplicationBuilder (this example assumes you are
starting from the DOS prompt with the ApplicationBuilder diskette or hard
disk ready). Your T-60 should be connected to the PC with a NULL MODEM
Operation: Keystroke: Description:
Running the program:
At the DOS prompt, run the
ApplicationBuilder program.
ALT-F File Menu
“NEW” - clear out workspace and
begin a new Pseudocode program.
Making the first screen:
Move the cursor to the second line
in the Pseudocode list (*SCREEN
The cursor is now on the screen.
You are now building a new
screen named “begin”. You may
position the cursor, enter
characters or press the TAB key to
change the character size.
This terminates the data entry
and adds pseudocodes to your
program which will generate the
text you have typed on screen.
Adding a Softkey:
Move the cursor below the last
“PUT TEXT” Pseudocode in the
list below the begin screen.
F5 Select the Pseudocode list.
S Move to the “S” section.
Cursor Move the cursor to the Softkey.
Enter Softkey number
Select a Softkey number between
1 and 10 (key 7 through 10 do not
place text on screen).
Enter Softkey text
Enter the 5 character label you
wish to place above the softkey
Add 2 more softkeys in the same
Enter screen to go to
Enter the name of a screen that
you want your program to jump to
when the softkey is pressed.
T-60 Operator's Manual