PT-7728 User’s Manual Featured Functions
Event Setup
Event Types can be divided into two basic groups: System Events and Port Events. System
Events are related to the overall function of the switch, whereas Port Events are related to the
activity of a specific port.
The PT-7728 supports two relay outputs. You can configure which relay output is related to which
events. This helps administrators identify the importance of the different events.
System Events Warning Relay output is triggered when…
Power Transition (OnÆOff) PT-7728 is powered on.
Power Transition (OffÆOn) PT-7728 is powered down.
Port Events Warning e-mail is sent when…
Link-ON The port is connected to another device.
The port is disconnected (e.g., the cable is pulled out,
or the opposing device shuts down).
The port’s traffic surpasses the Traffic-Threshold for
that port (provided this item is Enabled).
Traffic-Threshold (%)
Enter a nonzero number if the port’s Traffic-Overload
item is Enabled.
Traffic-Duration (sec.)
A Traffic-Overload warning is sent every
Traffic-Duration seconds if the average
Traffic-Threshold is surpassed during that time
The Traffic-Overload, Traffic-Threshold (%), and Traffic-Duration (sec) Port Event items
are related. If you Enable the Traffic-Overload event, then be sure to enter a nonzero
Traffic-Threshold percentage, as well as a Traffic-Duration between 1 and 300 seconds.