39 Understanding the Copy screen
39 Basic tab
39 Advanced tab
40 Image tab
40 Copying originals
40 Changing the settings for each copy
40 Changing the size of originals
41 Reducing or enlarging copies
41 Copying on both sides of originals (Duplex)
42 Deciding the form of copy output (Collated / Staple)
42 Selecting the type of originals
42 Changing the darkness
42 Using special copy features
42 ID card copying
43 Copying ID with the manual ID copy option
43 2-up or 4-up copying (N-up)
43 Poster copying
44 Clone copying
44 Book copying
44 Booklet copying
45 Cover copying
45 Transparency copying
45 Erasing edges
45 Erasing background images
45 Shifting margins
46 Watermark copying
46 Overlay copying
46 Auto crop copying
46 Multi-Bin
47 Scanning basics
47 Understanding the Scan screen
48 Basic tab
48 Advanced tab
48 Image tab
49 Output tab
49 Scanning originals and sending through email (Scan to Email)
49 Sending a scanned image to several destinations as an email attachment
49 Storing email addresses
50 Entering email addresses by the address book
50 Entering email addresses by the keyboard
51 Scanning originals and sending via Network Scan Manager
51 Preparation for network scanning
51 Scanning and sending via NetScan
51 Scanning by a network connection
51 Preparing for network scanning
53 Scanning originals and sending via SMB/FTP (Scan to Server)
53 Preparation for scanning to SMB/FTP
53 Scanning and sending to SMB/FTP server
53 Changing the scan feature settings
53 Duplex
53 Resolution
54 Original Size
54 Original Type
54 Color Mode
54 Darkness
54 Erase Background