Advanced Settings
D6200 WiFi DSL Modem Router
• The remote VPN endpoint must have a matching SA, or else it refuses the connection.
Two types of VPN policies are possible:
• Manual.
All settings (including the keys) for the VPN tunnel are input manually at each
end (both VPN endpoints). No third-party server or organization is involved.
• Auto. Some parameters for the VPN tunnel are generated automatically
. This process
requires using the IKE (Internet Key Exchange) protocol to perform negotiations between
the two VPN endpoints.
To manage the VPN policies:
1. Click ADV
ANCED > Advanced Setup > VPN Policies.
The Policy Table contains the following data:
• Enable. Use this check box to enable or disable a policy as required. Click Apply
when you are finished.
• Name. Each policy has a unique name to identify it.
• T
ype. The type is Auto or Manual.
• Local. IP address or address range on your local LAN.
Traffic must be from (or to) the
addresses covered by this policy.
• Remote. IP address or address range of the remote network.
Traffic must be to (or
from) the addresses covered by this policy.
• ESP. Encapsulating Security Payload.
This setting specifies the encryption protocol
used for the VPN data.
2. Click the appropriate button to manage a VPN policy:
• Edit. Edit (modify) the selected policy
. (Select a policy by selecting the radio button.)