Multicast VLAN Registration (MVR)
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
About MVR
Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) Layer 3 is widely used for IPv4 network
multicasting. In Layer 2 networks, IGMP uses resources inefficiently. For example, a Layer 2
switch multicasts traffic to all ports, even if there are receivers connected to only a few ports.
To address this problem, the IGMP Snooping protocol was developed. The problem still
appears, though, when receivers are in different VLANs.
MVR is intended to solve the problem of receivers in different VLANs. It uses a dedicated
manually configured VLAN, called the multicast VLAN, to forward multicast traffic over a
Layer 2 network with IGMP snooping.
MVR Commands
This command enables MVR.
no mvr
This command disables MVR.
mvr group
This command adds an MVR membership group. <A.B.C.D> is the IP multicast group being
The count is the number of incremental multicast groups being added (the first multicast group is
A.B.C.D). If a count is not specified, only one multicast group is added.
Format mvr
Mode Global Config
Interface Config
Default Disabled
Format no mvr
Mode Global Config
Interface Config
Format mvr group <A.B.C.D> [count]
Mode Global Config