RangeMax™ Wireless-N Gigabit Router with USB WNR3500L User Manual
v1.0, November 2009
portmap table 6-14
power adapter specifications A-3
Power light, troubleshooting and 8-3
Powerline HD products 6-2
PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) 1-8, 8-7
Preamble mode 2-16
primary DNS server 1-9
prioritizing traffic 6-7
protocols, compatibility A-3
QoS (Quality of Service) 6-7
radio, wireless 2-16, 4-6, 8-14
range, router 6-5
ReadyShare Access 7-6, 7-10
reducing interference 6-5
reference documents B-1
registering product ii
remote devices, testing path 8-9
remote management 4-11
repeater units 5-24
requirements, speed 6-2
reserved IP adresses 5-4
Resource CD 1-1
restarting network 8-2
configuration 4-10
default factory settings 8-14
Restrict Wireless Access by MAC Address 2-8
RIP (Router Information Protocol) 5-3
route name 5-10
manual configuration 1-6
router main menu 1-2
router status, viewing 4-5
sample network, figure 6-4
scheduling blocking 3-8
screen display language 1-5
selecting 1-5
service numbers 3-7
services, blocking 3-6
settings, default. See default factory settings
Setup Manual 1-1
Setup Wizard 1-6
SMTP server 3-10
general A-3
technical A-1
speed requirements 6-2
SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) firewall 5-7
SSID 4-6, 8-12
SSID broadcast 2-16, 8-14
standards, compatibility A-3
static routes 5-9
statistics, usage 4-8
status, viewing 4-4
streaming video and audio 6-2
subnet mask 4-6
system up time 4-8
TCP/IP network, troubleshooting 8-8
technical specifications A-1
testing wireless connections 8-11
time of day, troubleshooting 8-10
time to live, advertisement 6-14
port triggering 5-20
trademarks ii
traffic, prioritizing 6-7
transfer time (backing up) 6-3
troubleshooting 8-1