12-12 User’s Reference Guide
When network number remapping is enabled, you must choose a safe range of network numbers as a
destination for the remapping. A safe range of network numbers does not intersect your local AppleTalk
network’s range of network numbers.
■ To choose a destination range for the remapping, select From under Remap into Range and enter a
starting value. Then select To and enter an ending value. Make sure the range you choose is large enough
to accommodate all expected incoming AURP network numbers.
■ To improve the efficiency of remapping network numbers into a safe range, select Cluster Remote
Networks and toggle it to Yes. This setting takes any number of remote networks being remapped and
causes them to be remapped into a continuous range.
■ To override the AppleTalk maximum limit of 15 hops, select Enable Hop-Count Reduction and toggle it to
Yes. Hosts on a local AppleTalk network will then see AppleTalk destinations across the IP tunnel as being
only one hop away.
AppleTalk allows a packet up to 15 hops (going through 15 AppleTalk routers) to reach its destination.
Packets that must reach destinations more than 15 hops away will not succeed; therefore, tunneling from
one large AppleTalk network to another could exceed that limit. In such a case, hop-count reduction
enables full network to network communication.
You have finished configuring AURP.