Information Code A code that is internally generated by your Fax stating a specific operational error or machine
Information Code A code that is internally generated by your Fax stating a specific operational error or machine
Initial Sending Station In a relay network, the station that is originating the document transmission.
Internet The vast collection of inter-connected networks that all use the TCP/IP protocols. The
Internet connects independent networks into a vast global internet.
Intranet A private network inside a company or organization that uses the same kinds of software that
you would find on the public Internet, but that is only for internal use.
IP Address A unique number used to identify equipment or host computers on the Internet.
ISP (Internet Service
An institution that provides access to the Internet in some form, usually for money.
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication, formerly known as C.C.I.T.T.
ITU-T Image No. 1 An industry standard document that allows comparisons of the transmission speeds and
capabilities of machines.
Journal A report that is printed by your unit listing the last 32 transactions.
Keypad A group of numeric keys located on your control panel.
LAN (Local Area
A computer network system and printer limited to an immediate area, such as an Office,
Factory, and University used to integrate and exchange data.
LCD Liquid Crystal Display. The display area of your machine.
LDAP Lightweight Directory Acces Protocol (LDAP) is a directory service protocol that runs over
LOGO Your programmed company name or identification up to 25 alphanumeric characters.
MAC Address Its the hardware address, often referred to as MAC (Media Access Control) address that is
assigned to the equipment. MAC address is hard-coded and is not configurable.
The MAC address consists of 6 hexadecimal numbers separated by colons.
Example: 00:00:c0:34:f1:50
Mail Gateway IP
The Address of the Mail Server.
The Internet Fax communicates with your existing Mail Server for all communication traffic.
Mailing List A system that allows people to send an email to one address, whereupon their message is
conveyed to multiple subscribers on the Mailing List.
Manual Reception A mode that requires operator intervention to receive an incoming document.
MAPI Acronym for Message Application Programming Interface.
A standard Windows interface for messaging that enables different mail programs and other
mail-aware applications like word processors and spreadsheets to exchange messages and
attachments with each other.
MDN This Message Disposition Notification (MDN) is requested by the sender for a delivery
processing confirmation indicating that the message (email) was read.
Memory Transmission The documents are scanned into memory before actual connection to the phone line for
MIME (Multi-purpose
Internet Mail Extension)
A standard used for attaching non-text (image) files to Internet email messages.
Modem A device that converts signals from your fax machine into signals that can be transmitted
over telephone lines.
The ability to broadcast the same set of documents to a programmed number of locations.
Multiple Logo The user can select one of 25 preset LOGOs before a transmission.