Standard Syntax Guidelines
When creating MPCLII packets:
Begin each packet with a start of header ({).
Endeachpacketwithanend of header (}).
Define no more than 200 fields in a format. Each p indicates one field.
However, options are not counted as fields.
The field number (0 - 999) must be unique. We recommend starting at 1,
instead of 0.
Do not use a field number more than once per format.
Define all fields in the order you want to image/print them.
Separate all parameters with a Parameter Separator (,).
¨ End each field with a Field Separator (
¨ Enter all information in CAPITAL letters, except words or phrases within
quotation marks.
¨ Include all parameters for a field unless documented as optional.
¨ Define non-printable text fields before the field to which they apply.
¨ Define options immediately after the field to which they apply.
¨ Multipleoptionscanbeusedwithmostfields. Optionscanbeusedin
any combination except as noted with each definition.
Keep in mind that proportionally spaced fonts need wider fields than
monospaced fonts. For variable field data, use a letter “W” to determine
the maximum field size.
Do not place a new line (return) or any other non-printing character
within a field definition. However, a carriage return or line break after
each p makes your formats easier to read.
T,1,20,V,30,30,1,1,1,1,B,C,0,0,0 p
T,2,10,V,50,30,1,1,1,1,B,C,0,0,0 p
Spaces are ignored, except within character strings.
Getting Started 1-5