
Configuring the Scanner 5-5
15. Use Browse to select the tone (.wav file) for a Good Scan. This tone
is heard whenever a bar code is successfully scanned.
16. Tap Play to hear the tone.
17. Use Browse to select the tone (.wav file) for No Scan. This tone is
heard whenever a bar code is unsuccessfully scanned.
18. Tap Play to hear the tone.
19. Tap OK to save all the settings and return to the Scanner
Configuration screen.
Enabling Specific Bar Codes
You must enable and disable each specific bar code type for scanning.
Some bar codes require additional settings.
You can scan any of the following bar codes:
UPC/EAN Codabar
Code 39 Code 93
Code 128 D 2of5
I 2of5 RSS
Note: Some bar codes can be printed, but not scanned. See “Printable
Bar Codes vs. Scannable Bar Codes” for more information.