28 C2907M-D (4/05)
• NET-Manager is a program that can make it easier to manage PelcoNet units in local networks. The program and manual (C2901M) are on
the resource CD that comes with your PelcoNet unit. Refer to the manual for instructions.
• The only NET-Manager features available to the NET350 include scanning to see your units’ IP and MAC addresses, changing IP addresses,
and viewing the setup pages with the browser.
1. Start your web browser.
2. Connect to the URL http://IP-Address, where IP Address is the IP address of the unit you want to configure. Use the standard dot-
separated format (x.x.x.x) to enter the address. The home page is displayed along with the video from the camera.
Figure 21. PelcoNet Home Page
The home page is the starting point for any configuration.
The window in the left of the screen is the display area for decoded video.
• Clicking the Pelco logo on any page connects you to the Pelco Internet home page, provided the LAN supports Internet access.
• Click Video 1 or Video 2 to choose which live display to view.
• Click Server Push for periodically updated stills.
• Click Control to access an options screen with links to pages where you can see and control the displayed view. (Refer to the Web Browser
Control Pages section.)
• Click Setup to access an options screen with links to configuration pages. Click any icon on the side or the text itself to transfer to the
desired page.