Perle Systems 5500320-12 Network Card User Manual

Device Scripting
Device Scripting
Menu Selection: Device scripting
Minimum Required Authorization: Device Operator
PerleVIEW allows you to create Device scripts (which are lists of CLI commands) that can be sent to
one or many devices. Scripts will be executed on each device and the results be will logged. You can
find these logs under “Tasks --> Task Results” under the associated task name.
CLI commands for the Perle MCR-MGT management Module can be found on our website at
More information on Device Scripting can be found in Appendix C, Device Scripts.
Launching Device Scripting
Device->Device Scripting
Working with Device Scripts
PerleVIEW provides the following device script task options. Select the device script you want to run
and then click the Run Now button. PerleVIEW provides one default device script to reboot all
target devices which is useful after a deployment of firmware to multiple target devices.
z Run Device Script task now
z Disable/Enable Device Script task instance
z Add a Device Script task instance to your PerleVIEW database
z Edit a Device Script task instance
z Delete a Device Script task instance
Run Now
To run a existing Device Script task instance immediately, select the task from the list, then click on
the Run Now button.