Planet Technology IDL-4801 Network Card User Manual

IDL series User Guide
Command Syntax:
modify clfr profile node pname <pname-val>nodeid <nodeid-val> [ descr
descr ] [export true|false ] Ntype Leaf|Unary|Binary|Ternary|Linear|NonLinear
[ actval
eny|SetBase|Count|Retagprio | MatchIngenlist|GoToNextRule|allow ] [ valuetype
U8|U16|U32|U64|AtmIf|Aal5Vc|EoaIf|EthIf|Dir|Prio|Len|VlanId ][ offsetval
<offsetval-val> ] [ maskval <maskval-val> ] [ value <value-val> ] [ valend
<valend-val> ] [ sbasetype Abs|Add|Compute|SetFromVar ] [shiftcnt
<shiftcnt-val>] [ mplr <mplr-val> ] [ sbvarindex l2start|l3start ] [ nodeprio
low|high|asintree ]
Name Description
pname <pname-val>
Name of the classifier profile
Type: Create -- Mandatory
Delete -- Mandatory
Modify -- Mandatory
Get -- Optional
Default value: -----
nodeid <nodeid-val>
Node Id, should be unique within a profile
Type: Create -- Mandatory
Delete -- Mandatory
Modify -- Mandatory
Get -- Optional
Valid values: 1 - 0xffffffff
Default value: -----
descr <descr-val>
A brief description can be given with node, to identify the node. If
the ActVal is FwdToCtl or CpToCtl then this field is mandatory and
it can be used by the applications to receive the packets coming
from control plane because of this node.
Type: Create -- Optional
Modify -- Optional
Default value: 0
export true|false
Some of the nodes of a profile can be exported. This flag tells
whether this node is exported or not
Type: Create -- Optional
Modify -- Optional