Powerware 5075 kVA Power Supply User Manual

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Powerware BPIII Harsh Environment UPS 50--75 kVA
Installation and Operatio
164201261 Rev. F 111503
Subject tothe conditionsherein, Powerware(Powerware) warrants solely, to theoriginal end-user, the electronics(the “Unit”),
and Powerware built b attery cabinets, against defects in material and workmanship for the warranty period of 12 months, from
the date of equipment start up, or 18 months from date of shipment, whichever occurs first. Should service be necessary, this
warranty covers:
USA only: The Powerware 9315, 9320, 9330, 9335, BPIII, and BPIV three-phase UPS products are sold with a
standard factory warranty (described below), start up, and extended labor service.
All three-phase UPS installations will have an authorized Powerware Service Engineer perform startup or
the factorywarranty and extended labor servicewill be void. The included first year extended labor service
provides for a complete 12 months of onsite labor for your UPS purchase.
Worldwide: All parts requiring replacement for the Factory Warranty period.
If, in the opinion of Powerware, the Unit fails to meet published specifications and the defect is within the terms of this warranty,
the Unit w ill be repaired or replaced at the option of Powerwarewith no charge for replacement parts. Labor required, tomake
upgrades, repairs or replacement ins tallation, is not included under the terms of this Limited Warranty, except for labor and
travel costs required dur ing the first 90 days of this warranty (USA only), provided that startup of the unit onsite, has been
performed by Powerware (in USA) or its agent (outside of USA). Equipment sold, but not manufactured by Powerware,and
only the manufacturer of such equipment shall warrant this equipment and is not included as part of this warranty agr eement.
Equipment repaired or replaced pursuant to this warranty will b e warranted for the remaining portion of the original warranty
subject to all the terms thereof.
This warranty is not valid unless an authorized Powerware Service Engineer (in USA) or Agent (outside US A) performs startup
and commissioning. This warranty does not apply to any Unit that has been subject to neglect, accident, abuse, misuse,
misapplication, incorrect installation, or that has been subject to repair or alteration, not authorized in writing by Powerware
personnel or performed by an authorized Powerware Service Engineer or Agent. Purchaser shall be invoiced for, and shall pay
for, all services not expressly pr ovided for by the t erms hereof, including, without limitation, site calls involving an inspection
that determines no corrective maintenance is required. THIS WARRANTY IS THE PURCHASER’S (USER’S) SOLE REMEDY
DISCLAIMED). In no case will Powerware’s liability under this Warranty exceed the replacement value of the Unit warranted.
InvensysPowerware’s obligation, under said warranty, is expressly conditioned upon receipt byPowerwareof all paymentsdue
it (including interest charges, if any). During such time as Powerware has not received payment of any amount due it, in
accordance with the Contract terms under which the equipment is sold, Powerware shall have no obligation, under said
warranty; also during this time, the period of said warranty shall continue to run and the expiration of said warranty shall not
be extended upon payment of the overdue amount. These limitations, to said warranty, apply even in the event that the
equipment is s old initially by Powerware for resale to an ultimate end-user.
In no event shall Powerware be liable for any indirect, incidental special or consequential damages of any kind or type
whatsoever, or based on any claim or cause of action, howe ver denominated. Powerware shall not be responsible for failure
to provide service or parts due to causes beyond Powerware’s reasonable control. This limited warranty applies only to the
original end user of the unit.
This factory warranty will not be in effect if the End-User does not properly store the equipment, including the “trickle charge”
of batteries no later than the date indicated on the packaging, before installation and does not cover shipping damages if FOB
Factory. Cost for replacement equipment, installation, material freight charges travel expenses and labor of Powerware
representatives will be borne by the Purchaser (user). Any advice furnished the Purchaser before or after delivery in regard to
use or application of Powerware equipment is furnished without charge and on the basis that it represents Powerware’s best
judgment under the circumstances. Theuse of any such advice by the Purchaser is solely and entirely at its own risk. Any other
agreements, such as Service contracts or Sales Concessions are not means to annul this Factory Warranty.
Forcommentor questions, aboutthisLimited Factory Warranty, write tothe CustomerQualityRepresentative,3301Spring ForestRoad,Raleigh,NC
27601, or call (919) 872---3020