Psion Teklogix NETBOOK PRO User Manual V
Switch to Dim 24
Switch to Stand-By 25
Switch to Suspend 25
PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) 110
Printer (serial service), Bluetooth 98
printing, using PC 81
processor specifications 134
Profile Information Page 67
Profile Location 68
profiles, Total Recall 66
programs 35, 59
additional 72
closing 62
moving to 61
opening 61, 62
starting 35
Property, Bluetooth Controls 96
Bluetooth 96–102
802.11b 93–95
RAM 134
RAS (Remote Access Server) 110
recalibration, screen 15
regional settings, languages 43
Remote Access Server (RAS) 110
remote e-mail account 104
CF cards 28
MMC/SD cards 27
PCMCIA Cards 29
resetting the NETBOOK PRO
hard 34
soft 33
restore files, Total Recall 66
restoring files from backup 57
ROM 134
RS-232 serial connection
for ActiveSync 53
battery xiii, xiv
Infrared vii
instructions xii
summary vii
Schemes , Power Properties 22
caring for 6
overview 31
recalibration 15
securing your information 58
Servers, Bluetooth Controls 96, 100
Services, Bluetooth Controls 98
Set PIN, Bluetooth Controls 99
setting up
ActiveSync 52
dialing 111
e-mail 91, 110, 114
Internet service 91
modem 112
time, date, home city 52
single-tap defined 15
SMTP, definition of 106
soft keys 42
soft reset 33, 34
Spanish keyboard 48
specifications 131–135
display 134
environmental 133
IP30 Rating 133
operating system 135
physical 133
power requirements 134
processor 134
temperature range 133
display 134
processor and memory 134
Start Menu 31
static electricity 8
Storage Manager 73
storage temperature 8
double-tap 15
location 15
single-tap 15
using 15
Support 108
switching off/on 13
Switch to
Dim 24
Stand-By 25
Suspend 25
synchronizing files, ActiveSync 86–88
system memory 72