Q-Logic 59047-10 D Switch User Manual

4–Fibre Alliance MIB Objects
connUnitProxyMaster (
59047-10 D 4-11
connUnitProxyMaster (
A value of “yes” means this is the proxy master unit for a set of managed units.
For example, this could be the only unit with a management card in it for a set of
units. A standalone unit should return “yes” for this object.
Syntax INTEGER {
Access read-only
Status mandatory
Return Value If out-of-band switch, returns yes (3). If in-band switch, returns no (2).
connUnitPrincipal (
Whether this connectivity unit is the principal unit within the group of fabric
elements. If this value is not applicable, the return is unknown.
Syntax INTEGER {
Access read-only
Status mandatory
Return Value For the principal switch, returns yes (3); otherwise returns no (2).